The first 14 runners to raise $100 between now and March 10th will receive an additional $100 from a VERY generous donor and fellow PETA Pack runner, Lisa Towell!
If you’ve been checking the PETA Pack home page regularly, you probably noticed that over the past two days we flew past $20,000 and at this moment have raised $21,560 (although this will probably have changed by the next time I check)! This is SO fantastic and we should all be very proud! Because of us, the lives of so many animals living in miserable conditions are going to be changed for the better.
If you’ve been checking the PETA Pack home page regularly, you probably noticed that over the past two days we flew past $20,000 and at this moment have raised $21,560 (although this will probably have changed by the next time I check)! This is SO fantastic and we should all be very proud! Because of us, the lives of so many animals living in miserable conditions are going to be changed for the better.
Dogs like the one pictured above that live out their lives chained to the ground will receive sturdy doghouses from PETA to help them through brutal winters. Undercover investigators will reveal horrific cruelty happening behind closed industry doors, and PETA will bring the footage to the forefront of the public’s attention. Dogs and cats will be spayed and neutered which will spare hundreds or even thousands of animals from coming into this world just to scavenge hungrily on the street or linger in the barren stalls of shelters, only to be euthanized. Cases of animal abuse will be investigated, animals will be rescued, and PETA will do everything in its power to stop the suffering of innocent animals wherever it occurs.
We’ve raised a lot of money to help already, but we still have $78,440 to raise to reach our goal of $100,000. We’ve just got one month left, so now is the time to start reaching out to everyone you know (and don’t know!) and letting them know that you are running hard every week for the many animals out there that need our need help!
Take a look at PETA’s 2009 End of Year video and this Why PETA video for more inspiration.
Thank you all for your dedication and inspiring efforts! We’ve got 30 days left to reach our goals, and now we’ve also got the help of most generous Lisa Towell, so LET’S DO THIS!!!